St John’s Kids – 05 April 2020

St John’s Kids – 05 April 2020

Sunday 5 April – Palm Sunday

Access our live stream services here.

Our kids’ song this week is Hosanna Rock. Before the service, head into your garden and find a big leaf or small branch that you can use to wave as we sing and celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Activities to keep hands busy while listening to Julie’s talk …

  • Colouring
  • Craft: To recreate the entry scene, print out these three pages – Jesus & Donkey, Palm Leaves, Road. Colour in, then cut out Jesus, the donkey and palm leaves. Cut along Jesus’ dotted line so that he can sit on the donkey. You will need two pegs for donkey legs so that it can stand on the road.
  • Origami Crosses: Most years, on Palm Sunday, we hand out crosses made from palm leaves. This is a symbolic link between Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and his ultimate sacrifice on the cross. Older children might like to make origami crosses from paper this year. Instructions can be found here. (At the bottom of the page you can choose to print a PDF, or just use the webpage on a device.)

Over the coming weeks, we’ll be providing some resources for you to delve further into the Easter story with your kids.

This week, following the service, or at a time that best suits you during the day, gather together and ask:

  • What’s something you’re really good at?
  • Have you ever bragged about it?
  • How do you think bragging makes other people feel?
  • What’s the opposite of being too proud and bragging? (being humble)

Read the following scenarios, pausing after each one to ask the kids whether they think it’s an example of being humble:

  • Letting someone else go first in line (humble)
  • Congratulating the winning team after losing a game (humble)
  • Bragging about something you did (not humble)
  • Listening when other people speak (humble)
  • Giving up your seat for someone else (humble)
  • Making fun of someone who made a mistake (not humble)
  • Taking turns and sharing with others (humble)
  • Saying sorry for hurting someone’s feelings (humble)
  • Only talking to the popular kids in your school (not humble)
  • Including everyone in your games (humble)

Invite suggestions of other situations in which we have the choice to respond in humble ways.

Introduce the idea of Jesus being a humble king. Emphasise that even though Jesus is God, he was still humble here on earth.

Watch this video together. You might like to pause the video when you get to Question Time, to discuss at your kids’ pace.

Show your kids how to look up Philippians 2:3-8 and read the verses together. Ask your kids what they think the passage means. Point out that it’s okay to be good at things, but we should be humble and encouraging to others too. Jesus is God and king, yet he was still humble and is a great example for us to follow.

This week, take notice of when anyone in your family is being humble and quietly affirm it.



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