Youth Life Groups + Camp Crave FriendCode!

Youth Life Groups + Camp Crave FriendCode!

Hey Parents,

Thank you for all letting me know your youth’s your availability for Youth Life Groups this year, they are now locked in! Here is all the details you need to know for Youth Life Groups in 2020:

If you were part of the ‘Older Group’ last year you will now be meeting Thursday evenings 6.15 pm (for a 6.30 pm start) – 8.30 pm, starting Thursday 20th February. Isobel and Adrian will be your leaders!  A text will be sent separately with the address for the youth’s house you will be meeting at.

If you were part of the ‘Younger Group’ last year, or are a year 7 joining us for the first time this year you will  be meeting Sunday afternoons 3.45 pm (for a 4 pm start) – 5.45 pm, commencing Sunday 23rd February. Andi, Scott and Ella will be your leaders!

If you are  interested in joining a Youth Life Group for the first time please fill out this form. At the bottom please select ‘yes’ to being interested in joining a Youth Life Group. I will then be in contact with you about joining a group!Invite your mates to Camp Crave and give them the discount code ‘FriendCode’ to save $20 off their Camp Registration!

Who should I invite?

You can pretty much invite anyone you like as long as they are high school aged. Here’s three types of people we’d recommend inviting along:

  1. Friends who are not part of a church but who have shown some interest or openness to Christianity. We will talk about Jesus a fair bit, so they at least need to be ready to tolerate some Jesus talk.
  2. People you know who might feel a bit isolated at the moment. Camp can be a great place for someone to break out of loneliness.
  3. People who attend a different church to ours but have no youth camp of their own.

There are business card invites available in the St John’s foyer that you can take and give to friends.

Click here to register and find everything you need to know about camp.

Youth Unite Summer is coming up in just two weeks!

Click here for all the details and to RSVP.

Thanks heaps,
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